Date palms give a beautiful tropical flare to orchards and our backyards. They can grow up to 30 feet and 50 feet and depending on the variety require the space to grow. Hence, female and male trees are not cultivated near, because germination is easy with few trees and male and female date palms have different qualities. As people do not observe literal fruits of labor, it needs time for seedling.
Date palms like sunny, dry and hot weather. However, they do not do well in humid or rainy climates. Thus, the US, South California and Arizona climate is good for date palms. But, seedlings need continuous flow of water, like irrigation system, as roots can absorb liquid.
Male tree produces pollen and collects fine powder from sheaths and then sprinkles on flowers of female tree for blooming. Hence, they bear fruit and for picking, fruit should be ripe.
Every year the single tree produces around 250 to 350 pounds of fruit and are harvested several times. Various farmers are using lightweight fabric bags for covering date bunches after ripening. Date fruits are extremely nourishing and beneficial for health. It is also one of the best natural resource for energy. Hence, for health consuming date fruit is very advantageous. On the other hand, date palms have zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, fiber and vitamins necessary for good health.
Advantages of Date Palm
Helps with constipation:
Date palm contains enormous fiber supporting digestive system to work faster and removes problems causing constipation.
Development of sight:
There are elements like lutein and zygenetin in date palm playing major role in keeping the retinal health and macular health in place. However, it prevents from problems like night blindness. Thus even doctors recommend consumption of dates for a healthy eyesight.
Protects Infection:
Date palm contains antioxidants, keeping various diseases away and are important for formation of body. Hence, date prevents throat pain, liver infection, cold problems and different types of fever.
Stamina and Energy:
Natural sugars in date supports strengthening. Hence, during weakness this can come handy.
Keeps blood pressure in control:
Date fruit contains high amount of iron. However, people having hypoglycemia should consume date fruit in diet. It meets 11% of demand of iron in body. Iron helps in reducing the problems of anemia. Thus, it plays a major role in eliminating anemia. They contain less sodium and more potassium and are advantageous for controlling high blood pressure. Risk of potassium stroke is prevented by date palm fruits.
Increases bone density:
Dates also have magnesium, copper, manganese and selenium. They keep bones strong and prevent low density. Thus, reducing risk of osteoporosis.